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Our Favorite Recipes to Make in June

It's the start of grill season...and fruit pie season. Oh, yeah!

Theresa Gambacorta

May 26, 2022

"Everything's coming up roses!" belted Ethel Merman in the 1959 Broadway musical Gypsy. And that sentiment — when one good thing comes, other good things follow — cannot be truer for June, a month named for the Roman goddess of love, Juno.

And we're bubbling with affection for our favorite early-summer produce that shares the spotlight with June's favorite flower, the rose.

We've compiled our list of favorite June recipes that you'll adore for their ease of preparation and freshness: from a simple, satisfying breakfast to enjoy while lounging by the pool to hearty meals that will enhance your grill feasts and Father's Day get-togethers. Snap up ingredients at your local farmers market, snip them from your garden or terrace, or order peak-of-season produce to be shipped to your door.

Everything's coming up roses...and aromatic herbs, and tender squash, and new potatoes, and hefty ripe strawberries and cherries, and juicy peaches!

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Our Favorite Recipes for Every Month

Cast iron skillet with chicken, pears, and vegetables.
Eggs Benedict casserole next to a bag of English muffins
Bowl of pasta salad with mango and greens.
Platter of cooked crabs.
A salad with flowers and greens.
Platter with toast, grilled peaches, and burrata
Fruit salad with mint and blue cheese.
Plate of marinated kebabs.
Plate of spaghetti with tomatoes and salami
Plate of pork chops with apples.
Glass of pomegranate punch with sliced oranges.
Two cups of fresh juice with fruit and vegetables

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